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Planet Earth with a spectacular sunset _Elements of this image furnished by NASA_.jpg

The aim of Thirty Seconds for Peace is reconnection with the true nature of our being, restoring coherence between the world of our daily awareness and the deeper levels of reality.


This process is simultaneously both individual and collective. It includes the recognition and transformation of all expressions of suffering that we might encounter: abuse, violence, neglect, and lack, no matter how extreme or intractable they appear to be.

Through practicing immersion in non-dual awareness while remaining present to our shared pain, we assist the entrainment of that suffering back into peace, both in ourselves and in the collective field of humanity. The practice of presence harmonises our emotions, evokes our innate compassion, and transforms the very foundation of our physical reality.  This inner process has the capacity to positively transform our shared timelines, through supporting the fruition of the deepest love-potentials already present inside each and every experience.


The inspiration behind Thirty Seconds for Peace has come from three places: my experience with Earth Healing Meditation and Transmission, the principles taught by Joel Goldsmith, and the meditation initiative known as the Silent Minute.  

Following is a brief introduction to the three approaches:


Contemplation (short-duration)

The time-span of thirty seconds has been chosen for the short-duration practice, in recognition of recent research which has identified that every time we experience a state of awareness for even a small sustained span of time, we begin to wire ourselves neurologically, and prime ourselves biochemically, for that state. Thirty seconds is sufficient. for our physiological systems to 'notice' the new state.



Engagement in regular repetitions of this felt-sense, as an embodied contemplation, supports the integration of this state into our daily awareness. Gradually our focus of attention shifts, and we experience increasingly sustained periods of connectedness with the lived experience of our true nature.  Warm, bright, spaciousness becomes our new resting state of awareness.

For a full description of the Thirty Seconds for Peace practice, and how to implement it as part of your daily routine, view or download the PDF here.


(1-Hour Individual or Group Practice)

Planet Earth with a spectacular sunset _Elements of this image furnished by NASA__edited.j

The flame in your heart is the beginning of a fire
that will transform the world.

It is recommended that the short-duration practice be complemented by a weekly meditation of greater length. The 'World Healing Meditation' is a long-form practice that is suitable for individual use, or for group gatherings guided by a facilitator. The suggested duration for this meditation is 30-60 minutes per session.


The written form of the practice is available as a downloadable PDF, via the link below.

Copyright Notice: This meditation is freely available for individual or group use. We request that the content of the original document be maintained, and that copyright be acknowledged if sharing the information with others.


Online Training


This free virtual event is for those wanting to participate in or facilitate group World Healing Meditations, and who would like an experiential introduction to the practice.

We will be offering the seminar based on expressions of interest.  If you are keen to participate, please let us know,

via the sign-up form below.


Thanks for registering for our event. See you there!

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